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Stay at home mum, previously top PA in various top companies for top bods. Want to be a writer instead.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

And I'm asking. Why?

....as Enigma once sang.  Why am I blogging at all?  Let's be upfront about this, I still only just about understand blogging.  I think it's a bit of an online journal, where you'd write about amusing past anecdotes or things that happened to you that day, or eureka moments maybe.  Sharing them with others in the hope that they'd think, "Oh yeah! I know, that happens to me too." 

For the last 10 months I have been a stay at home mum, something I never thought I'd be.  I know am 100%  lucky to be able to do it and I love it, but I'm still a bit torn about how it can make you feel some days.  At times I feel that I haven't achieved anything of note at all. I feel I haven't contributed to the world or whatever and I've been wondering whether a creative outlet is the answer?  I have loved writing since my early teens, when I frantically scribbled down lustful stories about fictional couples - mostly plagiarised from movie characters I might add - "Ace" from Stand By Me, featured heavily as I was a massive Keifer Sutherland fan back then...  However, I've never really done much with my writing, so I'm hoping that by writing regularly on my blog, tapping into this new world, that I will, once and for all, do something and send it to a publisher or an agent.  I have two stories on the go, one for children and one for the Chick Lit market. So, I've no excuses now.  It's out there. You can poke me with a stick if I fail now.



Roger that, over and out.

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